Not lost but still not found
This city is big.
Almost too big.
Almost too big.
The streets look the same and the buildings all run
That shop looks like this shop
And that place looks the same as that one over there.
I’ve figured out which way is North but I still haven’t
figured out which way to go.
The maps show me where things are but I’m still looking for
where the city ends and the culture begins.
I know it’s here.
I’ve heard all about it.
Family is important. That much is evident. Friendships
abound. That much is obvious.
Money is also important but it is not the most important.
Time well spent is better than money well earned.
The buildings are not built to be higher than the rest.
People work hard but not to work harder than the rest.
Life slows down while time speeds up.
Children play.
Couples kiss.
Friends laugh.
People smile.
People frown.
Everyone walks.
Everyone moves.
Some have places to go.
Others have sights to see.
Still others have nowhere in particular to be.
I find myself somewhere between not lost but still not
Somewhere between survival and sanctuary
Somewhere between watching fĂștbol and watching football
Somewhere between a Texas sunset and a Mediterranean sunrise
Somewhere between dreaming about a past life and waking up
to this new life
And because of that, I find myself exactly where I’m supposed to be
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