The Water Maze of System Building

 What I'd give to have the system already running. 

Marketing seems easy now compared to managing the actual workflow. 

If it was easy, what would it look like? 

Client meets with me. 

We design their estate plan. 

Client agrees, signs the EA, pays retainer. 

Then we send out an intake form for them to complete. 

I don't necessarily need all their information. 

Names, addresses, phone numbers should suffice. 

Then that's pushed into LEAP. 

Mainly because we're married to it at this point. 

Why do we even need LEAP?

Invoicing? Trust reconciliation? 

Save their information, emails, documents in one place. 

Is their automation any good? 

I have no idea. I don't work on that side. 

I think part of my issue is that I keep changing my mind about the forms we use. I want one solid template and then work in the difficult scenarios. That's basically what Wealth Counsel does. And we have access to that. So why not use it more? It takes time to learn it and be comfortable with the forms. 

So here's an idea: learn to use the tools you already have rather than focus on the tools you don't have. 

Decision Vault integrates with LEAP.

LEAP integrates with WeatlhCounsel. 

Westlaw has been terrible to work with and I'm looking forward to dropping them. 

SquareSpace has been an okay website builder. I would like to switch to clickfunnels and use Calendly. But Acuity has been working just fine. 

People show up and we go from there. 

This also feels like a never ending process, which frustrates me. 
I just want to have the most efficient option in place but efficiency is relative. We've come a long ways. 

I think now is a matter of time of taking what works and doing more of it. Rushing water through the system to see where the leaks are. 

Is this just part of the practice?

Surely. Why else would they call it a practice?

---> More thoughts here.


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