Of Estate Planning Binders and other small things

 It's always the little things.

Which binder to use. 

The office supplies that have to be ordered. 

We get so hung up on those minor details without focusing on the larger picture. 

What would the client appreciate? 

What would help the client along?

Everything about the business should be with the client in mind. 

Now at some point in time you can't think about the clients without thinking about your team. 

They are just as important as the sturdiness of the office floors, walls, etc. 

And you can't think about the team, without thinking about your definite aim. 

"Why are we here" is the cliche question. 

We already know the answer to that. 

To glory God and enjoy him forever. 

After that becomes the difficult part. 

Figuring out exactly what you what out of life and then implementing a plan to achieve it. 

Here's the business model so far:

1. Identify a pain point. 

2. Create the solution. 

3. Tell everyone you know about the solution. 

It's as simple or as complex as you want it to be. 

As is the case with most little things. 

----> Follow here for more thoughts


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