Dang Good Offers
Another day, another dollar.
Or so the cliche goes.
Where do these dollars come from?
Where do they go?
Where do these days come from?
Where do they go?
One day comes from the previous.
And the dollars?
They show up when value is created.
Tangible value of help and service to another human.
The misconception with attorneys is that we're only after dollars.
Most attorneys are after days.
But they conflate dollars for days and so they bill by the hour.
Attorneys that only bill by the hour fail to recognize the value rendered.
Make offers so good that clients would feel stupid saying "no."
Or better yet: make offers so good that client know you're looking out for their best interest.
The attorney's job should truly be to understand the client's problem, issue, pain, worry, anxiety and then offer a solution based on knowledge, experience, and expertise. Whether it takes the attorney 1 hour or 1 year is certainly of consequence, but ought not be the main consequence.
Remember: Value increases as the dream outcome and perceived likelihood of achievement increases.
Value also increases as the effort/sacrifice required and time delay decreases.
Dream outcome = pain is gone.
Perceived likelihood of achievement = licensed attorney, counseled 100s of families
Effort/Sacrifice = a couple tough conversations
Time delay = 4-6 weeks (and decreasing by the day)
But now you have to advertise that offer.
It's not sufficient to have a great offer. You have to let them know. You have to give them the opportunity to buy.
---> More thoughts here.
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