Did you know goldfish can be 10lbs?
It simply depends on the size of the tank.
Small tank = small goldfish
Why do I think I need to revamp SquareSpace in favor of ClickFunnels?
I'm trying to copy rather than create. I want to see that it's already been done and go from there.
I don't want to put in the hard work of creating value.
What about lead magnets?
What about value ladder?
What about them?
I'm justifying to myself that this is the most important thing.
It's a bell and whistle; shiny and new.
The sign is when I go to fiverr to hire someone else to do the thing.
To create the logo.
Design the mailer.
The actual act of creating is up to you.
You can't outsource that.
You can look for inspiration and see what others have done.
But there is no golden bullet. There are a thousand silver BBs.
So the value stack is straight forward for now.
"You have estate planning concerns"
They come in many different forms.
My solution is to get you to an EP consultation.
That'll help me address your concerns.
And then propose the path forward with an irresistible offer.
They can either say yes, no, or maybe.
Yes --> EA
No --> No worries
Maybe --> Offer expires in 30 days.
What about the leaks in the bucket?
What about them?
I don't think we're worried about that yet.
That time will come. For now, this is a matter of getting my offer in front of 100,000 people.
And this town is small enough that if I have 1-2 people recommend me to someone else, then I might very well capture the entire market.
The key is to get reps. So I reach out to financial advisors, insurance agents, CPAs. And introduce myself and my offer to them and their clients.
Then they meet me, see my offer.
Then their clients also see my offer in the mail.
And then on Facebook, Google. (that's the time to worry about ClickFunnels, Lead Magnets, etc.)
This process will very well require an exponential start because this will have an exponential finish.
In other news, Kelsey made a vision chart so I can mark off each EP plan.
This is what it feels like to have a definitive aim.
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