There home, not here home
The metro rushed in
A swarm of people rushed off
I got on
Down the track it went
From here to there
Where is here?
Where is there?
I'm diminishing these thoughts as these thoughts are diminishing me
Too much is going on back home
There home, not here home
Shouldn’t I be there?
Shouldn’t I be there to watch it?
To experience it? To watch her perform?
The dreams I have seem to be real
The reals I have seem to be dreams
A month has passed
Friendships have formed
Memories have been made
Lessons have been learned
Catalan sounds strange in the familiar
Spanish sounds familiar in the familiar
English sounds familiar in the strange
French sounds strange in the strange
Not so much four countries, as two worlds
Here and There
The absurd finds itself Here
"I speak English, not American"
We all make mistakes
We hurt those we love
We attempt to see this world
But one pair of eyes isn’t enough
One mind can't hold all of these experiences
I walk a path that takes me from Here to There
I walk from home to the blue line
The blue line takes me to the green line
The green line takes me to school
Now it's time to leave
From here to green to blue to there
I’m not surprised to see what I'm seeing anymore
What once was new is now normal
Those people look familiar
Those sounds sound the same
This path is the path I walk
Yet there’s more to see than just the path
Dalí certainly saw it
His surrealist understanding saw more of what is than my realist conception of what isn’t
Time melts away
Elephant bones are frail
Nevermind the illusion but mind the illusion all the same
Dream a dream worth dreaming because we’re dreaming dreams all the day
"The difference between me and a crazy person is that I’m not crazy"
What a life to live in which you design your own museum
Art takes the place of reality
If only for a second
That’s how long it needs
To move you
To guide you
To look inside you
Art is here to challenge our understanding of the normal and mundane
Why else would so many artists attempt to express the inside of their minds?
To relate our experiences with each other
Surely that is the goal
The purpose
The point
The explanation of the unexplainable
One pair of eyes filters that which is
Another pair sees less
Another pair sees more
Relating understandings because our understandings are not understood
She walks on stage
She is no longer herself
She is the woman and the woman is her
To explain the unexplainable
To give a voice to the voiceless
They laugh
They cry
They hear and they feel
They clap
And above all, they admire
For a moment, reality was transcended
To witness her beauty
To behold her artform
Freedom belongs to those who aren’t afraid to be free
To release themselves from the bonds that be
And step up to make the most of the lives
Overstepping the mundane
Overcoming the weak minded
Overpowering the strong willed
We are all here to experience
Art offers that understanding
Old conceptions shatter as new perceptions form
Art represents Beauty
Serenity laughs with the Absurdity
Surreal subjectivity is far better than ideal objectivity
Thoughts subside
Words slow down
Papers need to be written
Homework is still to be done
Conversations are still to be had
But adventures are too
Here I find myself on the path before me
Continuously challenged
Consciously convicted
Yet delightfully determined to continue walking
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