Flat fees and other time dilemmas
Another week gone by.
How did that happen?
Fox and the Hound tonight.
Is this really a place to reflect?
Probably not.
I picture an audience reading these words, though I know no one does. Well some people do. You know who you are.
Do you ever wish you could have a conversation with your future self?
What would he say?
How would he encourage you in this moment?
He'd say keep walking the path.
So when I read this a year from now, will I then be encouraged?
Am I encouraged now?
I've certainly learned lessons along the way.
Flat fee for example. It's easy to say flat fee for each document.
But flat fee for offers--true offers--is the best path for leverage at this time.
Nothing new coming in will be done hourly. Just get the job done, get right to the heart of the matter.
Client like it so much more. They're not worried that I'm wasting time. They know I'm getting the job done.
§ More thoughts here.
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